Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

"Know that the LORD is God.
   It is he who made us, and we are his
   we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
   and his courts with praise;
   give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
   his faithfulness continues through all generations."

Psalms 100:3-5 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Thanksgiving Prayer

Lord, so often times, as any other day
When we sit down to our meal and pray

We hurry along and make fast the blessing
Thanks, amen. Now please pass the dressing

We're slaves to the olfactory overload
We must rush our prayer before the food gets cold

But Lord, I'd like to take a few minute more
To really give thanks to what I'm thankful for

For my family, my health, a nice soft bed
My friends, my freedom, a roof over my head

I'm thankful right now to be surrounded by those
Whose lives touch me more than they'll ever possibly know

Thankful Lord, that You've blessed me beyond measure
Thankful that in my heart lives life's greatest treasure

That You, dear Jesus, reside in that place
And I'm ever so grateful for Your unending grace

So please, heavenly Father, bless this food You've provided
And bless each and every person invited

--Scott Wesemann

Monday, September 26, 2011


       This last weekend I went to Handicamp at White Mills Christian Camp and LOVED it! It was a great experience and I'm so glad that I was able to get out of my comfort zone. You never know how you can grow until you try!

            This is the Rita, the camper that I took care of during the weekend with Loria Bailey.

                                                                   Steve and Nick.

This is Kevin and Loria Bailey. Kevin is so awesome to be around! Whenever we had a worship service He would say "Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, Holy Ghost!" It was so sweet!

       Linnea Bailey, Scott and Loria. Scott loves to tell everyone how long He has known
           them and was so proud of His racing shirts. =)

                     Roy Kustenbauter, the director of Power Ministries, aka "Mr. K."

                            I loved getting to know Emily. She is very sweet and fun to play around with!

      This is Travis, who was there with his twin brother Alex. He is SO funny and loves to
                                               do anything active!

                               Kenny doing his Elvis act for the talent show. He sang "Love Me Tender"
                                           and did very good!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Everything to Me-Avalon

I grew up in Sunday school, I memorized the Golden Rule
And how Jesus came to set the sinner free
I know the story inside out, and I can tell you all about the path that led Him up to Calvary
But ask me why He loves me, and I don't know what to say
But I'll never be the same because He changed my life when He became...

Everything to me (everything to me)
He's more than a story (more than a story)
More than words on a page of history
He is the air that I breathe (the air that I breathe), the water I thirst for (water I thirst for)
And the ground beneath my feet
Oh He's everything, everything to me

We're living in uncertain times
And more and more I find that I'm aware of just how fragile life can be
I wanna tell the world I've found, a love that turned my life around
They need to know that they can taste and see
Now everyday I'm prayin' (everday praying) just to give my heart away (give my heart away)
I wanna live for Jesus, so that someone else might see that He is...

Everything to me (everything to me)
He's more than a story (more than a story)
More than words on a page of history (the air that I breathe)
He's the air that I breathe (the air that I breathe), the water I thirst for (water I thirst for)
And the ground beneath my feet
Oh He's everything, (oh He's everything to me)

And lookin' back over my life at the end, (I'll go to meet You) I'll go to meet You, sayin You've been..

Everything to me
More than a story
More than words on a page of history

You're everything to me (everything to me)
You're more than a story (more than a story)
More than words on a page of history
You're the air that I breathe (the air that I breathe), the water I thirst for (water I thirst for)
And the ground beneath my feet
You're everything
Lord You're everything to me, Jesus

Everything, You're the water I thirst for
You're everything to me, Jesus, oh
Everything, You're the water I thirst for
The air I breathe, the song I sing, oh
Everything to me, everything to me
You're my life, my love, everything

Friday, September 2, 2011

Oasis Welcome Party!

Tonight  I went to the Oasis international student welcome party. There were students from all over the world there and many people from Kentucky and Indiana too. I saw students from The Congo, Nepal, Iran, China, Korea, Bulgaria, Germany, India, The Dominican Republic and many more. We ate some really good food and later on we had a talent show. It was a really good show and there was so much to see. Some danced, some sang, some recited poetry and one guy even did breakdancing! They all did SUCH a good job!

Thank you to all the people who attended and a big thank you to all those who brought food, set up and did all the work! You know who you are! =)


Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Full Weekend...

I have a full weekend coming up. Tomorrow I work until four and then I am going to the University of Louisville for a get together of International Students called Oasis. They are having their welcome party for new students at the university and people that have came before. It is always a fun event for everyone. I love meeting new people and I really love meeting people from other countries.

Then on Saturday I work until four and after that is the Utica homecoming festival. It is not very big, but considered that Utica is not a big town it is a cool get together. There are usually alot of people there that I know. They have a few booths, some games for the kids, live music and stuff like that. One of the booths I always go to, because they sell homemade sweets. =)

Then in Sunday we have big group church at Silver Heights. I hope that Karina talks about her experiences in Africa. I am looking forward to all that she has to say. Other than that I am not sure what we are doing at church. After church we are going to another festival. The World Fest! Alot of the time while I am there it is kinda overwhelming because there is so much to look at and so much happening at once. I am looking forward to the great food that they have there and the interesting booths and the performances. I just  hope that it is not too hot that day. I am hoping that I can also attend a frisbee party at the Lynch's after the world fest. It seems fun and I do not have to be up early for work the next day because of labor day.  And then monday of course is labor day, so my grandparents will want to have a cookout.

Whew, see what I mean when I say I will have a busy weekend! I am prepared for it to be busy, but I also know that it will be alot of fun and there are alot of memories to be made.
Here's to wonderful times with family and friends! =)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Catching Up

My online classes with Ivy Tech started last week, so getting used to that will be interesting. It is going well so far, I just pray that I can keep it up with my full time job and the mission trips that i want to go on. I am taking an english/writing and a life skills course that is required for all first time students.
The life skills class does not start until October, so I only have english until then.
I had some friends over last sunday for some Ultimate Frisbee and while we were out there Mattea was playing with us and she fell and fractured her wrist. Now she has a cast on and is pretty proud of it. Tomorrow at CBS she is going to get it signed by all her friends. She is the first one of us to have broken/fractured anything, so it is a milestone I guess.

Soon we will be watching the Vessels' girls for the rest of the time that they are in China. The funny thing is that now we will have two girls with casts on! Lydia fell about two weeks ago and broke her elbow in three places so she has one on as well. I know that it will be fine, but it's just a little ironic.
I cannot wait to  meet the two now Vessels' girls! They look so sweet! I hope the time goes fast so they can come home soon. The sad thing though is that Alicia will not be with them. Oh well, I know she will have many great experiences helping at the Orphanage.

Gotta go!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Thief in the Night

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Therefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. "
"Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.
But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen."

2 Peter 3:9-14,17-18

WIth all the hype about the end of the world I thought that I would put this up here to remind everyone about what the Bible really says. We will not and do not know the day or the hour.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Huntingdon's Disease Awareness Month

May is Huntingdon's disease awareness month. HD is is a neurodegenerative genetic disorder that affects muscle coordination and leads to cognitive decline and dementia. It typically becomes noticeable in middle age. HD is the most common genetic cause of abnormal involuntary writhing movements called chorea. My Dad was diagnosed with HD about a year ago and my Aunt and Uncle have the disease as well. The disease is caused by an autosomal dominant mutation on either of an individual's two copies of a gene called Huntingtin, which means any child of an affected parent has a 50% risk of inheriting the disease. So this means I and my sisters are at risk of having this disease.

Please tell people about HD and pray that someday there will be a cure.


Saturday, April 30, 2011


In the last week or so I have been reading a book by David Platt(a pastor in Alabama)
called "Radical". It's about living a life so dedicated to God and passionate about him that all our earthly relationships seem like hate in comparison and letting the word of God be enough for us and living for others everyday, even to the point of living sacrificially. It has really made an impact on me and I hope that it inspired me enough to do what it says. I want God to live through me and make an impact on others. I want to let the Word of God and the Spirit be enough for me and not all the "activities" that modern churches put out for people. I want to live RADICALLY for God!

Random Thoughts

I really don't know where to start, as I'm not really good at writing alot. I need to update alot, and tell you how my life has been going.
This might seem very hodgepodge and random, but hopefully it will get better.

Well recently, it's been wet. It rained for almost a week straight. The river came up, as did many streams and creeks. My prayers go out to the families whose houses were damaged. Also, there have been some devastating tornados in Alabama and Georgia.
My prayers go out to them as well.

I have been continuing working at Rural King supply since March and I really like it there. The people are nice and I get to help people and I'm glad that I have more
opportunities to share about my faith. I only hope I can make a differience in their lives.

Well, I am going to close. God Bless!
<3 Sierra

A New Picture of Me

A New Picture of Me

Friday, January 14, 2011

Watch and Beware

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and elemental spiritual forces of this world rather that on Christ. "

Colossians 2:6

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tears fall down

May the tears fall down
Let them soften this ground
May our hearts be found
God forgive us now

Oh, what we have lost because we chose we'll never know
and loving you is better than feeling alone
and all our claims to freedom have become these heavy chains
and in the name rights we keep filling nameless graves.